Thursday, November 11, 2004

Faith and the Iraq Morass

This is a reply to a friend of mine who is a Christian and a supporter of the current US-led operations inside of Iraq. Comments are always welcome .

So you want Christianity for the Arab world? That's incredible. How myopic. You just want to trash 1400 years of their history and culture and render them Christian through bombs, missiles, exploding shrapnel and murder. Then you want to about face and talk about the force of war being the only way THEY were able to promote ISLAM. Do you proof read what you write?

How do you "make" Iraq a free society? How? Oh yeah, just read the newspapers from 3-22-2003. While you're at it, find the front page of the NY Times 6-19-2003, and meditate on that picture. You bomb Iraq into being a "free" nation, and then when Christianity comes, you eradicate the link between it and the violence that made the way for it. Go back to the history of the war in Lebanon 1974 when it was over and the Lebanese Christians went into the Palestinian camps and murdered thousands of non-Christians in cold blood.

A search for the true God, huh? He's that hidden isn't He? He can't do anything at all to end the confusion? We covered that in the book. Like YOU have the keys to the secret. You feel emboldened enough to declare Allah a false God? The Qur'an links Allah directly to Abraham and all the prophets. You differ with that? Can't you see the ongoing manufacture and re-manufacture of God on the part of humans? Can't you see the invention, the rationalization for all this violence? Did you jump and shout when Bush said America was being led by the hand of God? You didn't find that appalling? The most warmongering and murderous president we have had in recent times, and you think there is no link between violence and the infusion of Christianity?

There is plenty of impetus for change in Iraq and there are people who LIVE there who have ideas about that. You are dedicated to either changing people or killing them. That makes you party to the mass homicide going on in Iraq. You say what you couldn't do, but you support young men and women going over there and committing murder. Murder is what it is because we have no right to be there. We invaded on false pretenses and without the consensus of the Security Council of the UN.

You are a Unique Christian because you write out of both ends of your pen. You should be disgusted with this government, considering your Christian nature. Yet you support this gang of criminals in their illegal incursion into a sovereign nation. You support continued bloodshed and bombing. Just leave those people alone to form whatever government they want to form. Their violent posturing is a mirror of what they face in opposition. If they weren't so ready to be violent, the Western nations would have overrun them hundreds of years ago. Beat all the swords into plowshares and see who is first to forge some of them back into swords.

3,500,000 is not a huge majority. George Bush almost got run out of office. He is because he is wasting serious billions of dollars killing Iraqis, trying to subdue them and force them into "freedom". If freedom was so desirable, then why didn't Mr Bush use that idea in the first place? Why didn't he go to the UN and say, "Iraq needs freedom. We have the bombs and the missiles to start killing them off until they submit, and we need help. Help us bomb Iraq into democracy"? He used the word freedom as a last resort when he ran out of reasons for this war.

The most intelligent sector (the Northeast) voted against George Bush. So did California. We almost got him. This country is virtually divided over who should be in the White house and it's great that we only have four more years to deal with this president.

The government cannot wage war against another nation without a declaration from congress. They got away with it in Vietnam, and now Iraq. You can't just "trust" your government to make the right decisions when that means sabotaging a balanced budget and sending more than a thousand (and counting) young Americans to a needless death. What will it take for you to question your government? A missile attack on North Korea? An invasion of Iran? Cuba? How aboutPakistan? Now THAT's a place that could get invaded, but they have nukes. Why Pakistan, you ask? Because i have a feeling they are protecting Bin Laden. I think they know where he is and he has a lot of support in that country. President Masharif fears for his life if he dares to make a move against the factions that are protecting Osama. Ordinarily, I would understand Bin Laden's point of view, but he took a srike against us. That makes capturing and/or killing him a legal enterprise.

It was legal to disarm and dispel the Taliban. They had a chance to produce bin Laden and protected him instead. There is a time for war, as the Bible says. There is also a time for peace, and the UN is an agency set up to try to bring peace into the world. They have rules, and we violated those rules. Stay with the news. We are not getting anywhere in Iraq. Grab up a handful of sand and close your hand into a fist. Most of the sand rushes out between your fingers. To even hope to avert the "insurgency", We would need an infusion of about 500,000 troops all over Iraq. We admit to there being about 75,000 "insurgents". I think there are way more. We would need to create Buffer zones along the Iranian, Syrian and Turkish borders. There is no strategy for winning this war as I can see. Every day American soldiers die while the "insurgency" inflicts heavy causalities in other areas of Iraq, esp. in Baghdad.

Not only do I mistrust this government, I mistrust the reporting regarding the war. They are lying just like they did in Vietnam. They are inflating enemy casualty figures and holding the line on American casualty figures. Who's checking? When you get your 19 year old son back in a body bag, how do you know how many more families are receiving such parcels? Who can verify American casualty reports? Who can verify enemy casualty reports? Who can verify casualty figures of innocent Iraqis?; friendly fire? I just wish there was a point to this war, but there isn't. Just the belated expressions of freedom coming from a our government in Washington DC who which erred that day in March, 2003 and has been trying to Cover its tracks ever since.

They won the election because the democrats put John Kerry up as a sacrificial lamb. They knew the chances for loss against an incumbent would be high, Bill Clinton's 1992 success notwithstanding. I think 2008 will be a different picture for the Democrats. I can't help but think they "threw" this one because they weren't 100% about Mr.Kerry. Lieberman will run again. So will Kucinich, Dean, Clark, and even Hillary. Maybe Al Sharpton will do us all a favor and run his campaign as reality TV so we can be entertained! When they saw John Kerry emerge as the front runner, I think they all withdrew their money from their own campaigns to save it for 2008. I think their support was less that what it could have been. The fact that John Kerry won as many votes as he did indicates that the people of this country prefer him. 3,500,000 votes was too much to get out of the elite Democratic leadership? They are currently oiling up their guns for the 2008 primaries, along with John Edwards who will have a different take on John Kerry in 2008. Watch and see.

What does it take for you to see the mass charade being carried out in the name of freedom and God? Now don't blame me. George Bush brought God into the picture. So did the debate moderators who relentlessly challkenged both candidates to account for their faith. George Bush, like it or not, became the "God" candidate. The harbinger of faith. the protector of Christian values. He is the Head Christian of this nation right now. How can he do wrong now that he has declared GOD to be leading America? You have to be BLIND not to see through this buffoonery; this sacrilege; this indecent pandering to Theism at the expense of human blood being wasted on the sands of Iraq.

The only faith I have concerning Iraq is that cooler heads will prevail on both sides, once there is a cease-fire and a truce preceding a departure of the US-led Coalition.

BH 11/11/04


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