Tuesday, August 09, 2011

No Time for Resurrection Politics

In response to an Article in The Daily Beast entitled "Hillary Told you So"

Please read the article here:


My Response:

How soon we forget the Hillary Health Care disaster when she couldn't convince congress to go for it during her husband's administration. The GOP is simply out for blood. They have no intention of handing over an improved economy to Barack Obama in 2012. No sitting Democratic president would have prevailed against this congress. Certainly not Hillary Clinton.

This is a sad capitulation to the kind of resurrection politics that commits the essential fallacy in logic which is begging the question. There is absolutely no basis from which to contend that Hillary would have done better with the resistant right whose aim has nothing to do with the good of the country. They want back in, that's all. They would have conspired to unseat Hillary Clinton just as they are conspiring to unseat President Obama. The president offered them every possible setup including twice the spending cuts, but added the inevitable: Increased taxes on the wealthy.

The ultimate fix will include raising taxes on the wealthy and closing some tax loopholes. Bill Clinton did it in his administration and it balanced the budget. Even though a GOP President in 2012 would eventually see that, none of the above wanted to concede it last week and possibly avoid this supposedly dreaded credit-rating reduction of fractional value at best.

The "other side" wants the wealthy on their side in 2012 and will string them along until after they (God forbid) win. Then the revenues will simply have to be increased. Period. We're no longer a nation of under 200 million people. We are going beyond 300 million and growing in leaps and bounds as we write. At some point, the haves are going to have to up their ante unless they want their wealth to diminish in a tide of reduced-value dollars.

So dig up the bones of Hillary Clinton if you will, but take a good look at her in any pictures you can find. The State Dept gig is wearing her OUT. The girl is EXHAUSTED. And now you want to submit her to the PRESIDENCY???? That should be a felony. Angry liberals are only going to make things worse for themselves hashing up a Clinton Re-Campaign. Play right into the GOP plan.

Vast right wing conspiracy? You mean the same one that was out to unseat her husband with those scurrilously fallacious claims of his dalliance with Monica Lewinsky? That one? Oh yeah. I remember that. It's not so vast nor is it so sinister. It's out in the open and called the TEA PARTY. The less-than-covert plan is to wreak the economy and sow the seeds for a GOP win in November based on their wreckage.

One of the "offers" the other side made was to OK a temporary debt ceiling increase, then vote on another one in 2012. Yeah. Right. Sure. Make it all about the debt ceiling and not about their mission to enlarge and perpetuate the underclass in this country, build walls around our nation, and finance the wealthy and the huge corporations like GM which originally showed up in Washington on PRIVATE JETS to negotiate their BAIL OUT. They want to throw the Debt ceiling debate right into the mix of 2012 politics and really stick it to the president by screwing the people of this country. And all these nerdy Dems have to say was HILLARY would have done better?

My guess is that this president knew what was coming and played out the bid for tax increases as long as he possibly could just to show the nation who the real terrorists are in this upcoming election season. My hope is that in the subsequent blame-game, his eloquence and coolness at the helm will edge out the aspiring fix-it candidates that haven't a clue as to what they will do to change what their predecessor managed to de-construct by catering to Wall Street, big bankers, and Corporate America. A man who owns enough land to establish a 51st State and whose family holdings rival the GDP of a developing nation has disappeared into the range while Barack Obama gets pistol-whipped by a greedy, win-hungry elite of wanna-be leaders who think they have a better plan.

So go ahead you foolish mortals. Bang the president around and call on a loser to mount a challenge. When the GOP is back in the White House and the Tea Part-controlled Republicans run slash and burn policies on entitlements, the backlash of angst and reaction-ism will rival that of Syria, Libya, Egypt, and London combined. To be forewarned is to be fore-armed.




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